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This is to inform the public that AND Financing Corporation doing business under the name and style “etomo” (formerly “LendPinoy”) is NOT IN ANY WAY connected or affiliated with the “LendPinoy” app currently found and downloadable in Google Playstore.

Please be informed that AND Financing Corporation is no longer using the trade name “LendPinoy” in doing business, but it DID NOT authorize the developers of this “LendPinoy” mobile app to use the “LendPinoy” trade name, which the company still owns.

Any and all attempts of the developer of this “LendPinoy” mobile app to associate itself with AND Financing Corporation is UNAUTHORIZED and FRAUDULENT. Hence, we strongly urge the public to not in any way access or deal with this mobile app.

Please refer to our Facebook page to know more about it.


Goals = dreams + plans. 

SMART goals are the best kind of goals. 

SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. These 5 things make sure your goals are clear and fit your bigger dreams. 

Here’s how to set SMART goals:

  • Be specific: Write down exactly what you want to achieve. 
  • Measure your progress:  Set criteria that make sure you know you are on track? 
  • Make sure your goals are achievable: Don’t set yourself up for failure, dream big is good but it will be better if you set a good balance of challenges.
  • Make your goals relevant to your bigger dreams.
  • Set a deadline. This will help you stay motivated and stay on track. 

Setting SMART goals can help you stay on track, stay motivated, avoid overwhelm and frustration, and achieve your dreams and goals. So what are you waiting for? Start setting SMART goals today! 🚀

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