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This is to inform the public that AND Financing Corporation doing business under the name and style “etomo” (formerly “LendPinoy”) is NOT IN ANY WAY connected or affiliated with the “LendPinoy” app currently found and downloadable in Google Playstore.

Please be informed that AND Financing Corporation is no longer using the trade name “LendPinoy” in doing business, but it DID NOT authorize the developers of this “LendPinoy” mobile app to use the “LendPinoy” trade name, which the company still owns.

Any and all attempts of the developer of this “LendPinoy” mobile app to associate itself with AND Financing Corporation is UNAUTHORIZED and FRAUDULENT. Hence, we strongly urge the public to not in any way access or deal with this mobile app.

Please refer to our Facebook page to know more about it.

5 easy and practical ways to start planning your savings.

1️.  Start saving as you can, Saving a little is not bad but you have to save every month.

  • Initiate your savings by starting with an amount you can comfortably and consistently set aside.
  • Try doing numbers on income and expenses to see how much you can actually save.
  • Make sure you are confident you can actually and consistently save (consistently is the most important)

2️. Prioritize Savings:

  • Saving before paying
  • Deduct your savings before allocating funds for other expenses.
  • Option for automatic salary deduction for a seamless savings process for example automatically reduce from your bank account.

3️. High-Interest Savings:

  • Begin by saving in a high-interest savings account.
  • Explore options like savings gold and in high-interest savings bank then gradually progress to more in-depth investments like funds and stocks.

4️. Expense Management:

  • Allocate the remaining money from your savings for fixed expenses such as rent, utilities, debt payments) 
  • Calculate your daily expenses (travel, food, personal items) by dividing the remaining amount by 30 days.
  • Trying to avoid touching your saving

5. Emergency Fund:

  • As you build your savings, allocate a portion to an emergency fund.
  • Aim for 3 to 6 months’ worth of living expenses to provide a financial safety net.
  • This fund acts as a buffer in unforeseen circumstances, preventing the need to dip into long-term savings.

Keep in mind, that managing your money is an ongoing thing. Check-in regularly and adapt your plans to fit any changes in your money situation and goals.

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